I was schocked the first time I saw it and every time I see it. This thing carries encrypted meanings which we could probably discuss, but I cannot yet believe that this creature on the bottom is ...pregnant! Things like that one can never find in warmer climates... I guess one more influence of Christianity or Alchemy? Maybe...But to be honest, I don't know if I like it or no.
Interesting detail
Wow! Could it relate somehow to the plague?
Very nice post Christo!
For the non-German speakers, I would like to add that all addresses in Austria (I guess Germany too) end either with the word "-strasse" or "-gasse".
Strasse obviously means street, while Gasse means a narrower street/path.
„Stierlitz ging der Blumenstraße entlang. Plötzlich hob er die Augen. Das waren die Augen von Professor Pleischner.“
heheee....I am not sure if it has anything to do with plague...Some readings about symbols etc. could tell me that the creature in bottom is the 'animal' (dirty) side of human, insticts and so on, (thats why the animal feet) while the 'angel' with the fire on top symbolizes the high states of spirit that one must reach. This is clear Christian Philosphy I think. The wheel (time?) is turning by a hand, maybe God's. Why is pregnant? I dont know...maybe the same story is repeated each time with new humans, who are getting born from 'dirty' creatures...
"the same story is repeated each time with new humans, who are getting born from 'dirty' creatures..."
- with a chance to become angels perhaps..
I do believe it as well, we all have our chances to be better and better humans...To carry maybe this flame of spirit! But I dont agree with the way they think about human insticts, like 'beasty' and dirty. We must the same time accept and live with our nature...---but how?... Hier ist eine Frage!!! : )
I think we should add "philosophy" to the labels :)
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