Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cycling around Vlasti

Last year I went for its music festival. This year I went for its natural beauty.

Vlasti is located on the northern side of Mt. Askio (Siniatsiko)

In the heart of Vlasti there is a meadow

that's grazed by horses and sheep.

Yes, horses

and sheep.

Cycling around Vlasti offers the rider, apart from the exercise, some magnificent views.

Partial view of Vlasti

View of Vlasti

Neighboring village Sisani

Cycling in altitudes of 1200m. The crisp air offers a unique sense of wellness, which is absent in urban environments.

Cycling around pines

Listening to the sound of the woods

and uncovering the hiding places of turtles.

Mountain bikes

Nature win

Back to the village for some rest

and off again in the following morning

with the grace of some arty-looking Jesus & pals.

St Cosmas and St Chrysostomos

Uphills again

past a WWII mine field(!)

and if you choose wise

you join the orgy of nature!

A zero carbon emission post.


Andriy said...

Gorgeous! If I didn't know it is Greece, I would think it's somewhere in Ukraine

jorge said...

It's the 1200m altitude that makes the difference (the similarity, in this case) :)